Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers

Buyers have questions, and you are always ready to answer all the questions in a user-friendly Q&A module. You retain the overview and control.

Q And A Chat

Q&A chat

Chat, chat, chat.

Centralise all communication in your secure data room. Easily chat privately among your team and agree on responses before disclosing any questions or answers within your data room.

Loop in experts to your chat for seamless Q&A and @mention team members for prompt responses.

Q And A Split Screen

Q&A split screen

Stay focused.

During Q&A, there will be no more flipping between questions and documents. Without switching between the two, enjoy fast and secure Q&A. 

Experience a clear overview of both questions and documents and work more efficiently.

Virtual Vaults Q And A Excel Import

Q&A Excel import

Keep centralised. Together.

Collaborate with others outside your data room in one external document ready to import all questions or answers in one go. Download a clear template and work together before importing back into your data room. 

Efficiently work in one exported document directly from your data room Q&A. Be in full control of all answers and get approval in one go before importing answers into your data room. Keep centralised for full disclosure on your archive. 

Virtual Vaults Q And A Questions Limits

Question limits

Be in control.

Always remain in control by creating limits and settle urgent matters faster and more efficiently.

Create your own desired Q&A limit by pre-setting a limit on questions that buyers can submit and get a hold on the question stream.  

Categories and tags

Smartly arrange and organise Q&A by creating categories and adding tags.

Quick reference upload

Directly upload a new document as an answer reference while remaining in your Q&A dialog.

Answer approval process

Create your own customised Q&A procedure by requesting approval from co-workers before sharing responses.

24/7 personal support

Dealmaking is people’s business. So, our support is people’s business as well. And we make it personal: a dedicated customer success team will help you all the way to make your deal a success.

Personalised Onboarding

The very best start.

24/7 Support

Help and support from experts. Day or night.


Help Centre. Teach yourself.

Sec ISO27001
Sec Microsoft
Sec Chubb
Sec Azure

The way we think about and act on security is one thing, the way you experience it, is another. We want you to feel it, to know it and to trust it. Your precious data is safe in your Workspace and data room. So, we take the worst security issues about your archive as a starting point to develop and constantly update our safety protocols.