Book your meeting

Expo Real Munich 2023.
The details.

The international trade fair for real estate and investment represents the complete value chain of the real estate industry: whether development, financing or realization, at EXPO REAL participants have the opportunity to meet the decision-makers of the real estate industry on site. Come and meet us to see how Virtual Vaults can help you accelerate your next real estate deal!

  • Date: 4-6 October 2023
  • Location: Messe Munich

Virtual Vaults A deal productivity platform from start to finish

Virtual Vaults' Data Room is built to make real estate transactions as efficient as possible. Plus, with our preparation platform, Workspaces, you can organise your entire portfolio and be instantly prepared for the next deal. We are a team of driven and intelligent people who care about your business. We do so by empowering Real Estate dealmakers with an easily available, secure, and affordable tool to manage the entire acquisition or selling process. We are not just the average data room provider; we are your partner throughout the whole dealmaking process.

Our deal experts

Happy to meet you at Expo Real 2023

Max Haberbosch

Pod DE Max 2

With his experience in the Real Estate sector, Max knows what is important when it comes to closing deals: Well-organised and structured preparation.

Mitch Goudswaard

Pod DE Mitch 1

Mitch has years of experience with VDRs and knows how important efficiency is in your everyday work. He always wants to help you and all our clients in the best way possible.

Real Estate deals with Virtual Vaults

Discover how we can accelerate your next deal

Real Estate - Virtual Vaults

Real Estate

Buyers, sellers and investors benefit from the Virtual Vaults all-in-one platform. Take and keep control of the whole real estate lifecycle with fast preparation, smooth collaboration and centralised communication.

BNP Paribas x Virtual Vaults (1)

Testimonial BNP Paribas Real Estate

Why Virtual Vaults and what does BNP Paribas Real Estate value most about our platform? We've asked this question to BNP Paribas' Head of Logistics & Industrial, Joost Merkx and Consultant Capital Markets, Floris Keunen.

Expo Real

Expo Real fair

Want to learn how to save money on every transaction? Meet our deal experts at the Expo Real in Münich. Discover everything our platform has to offer your next deal. Book an appointment here.

Your questions. Answered.

Who is Virtual Vaults?

We're dealmakers, just like you. Where you take care of the actual deal, we take care of all facilities in one platform to realise that deal in the most easy, secure and efficient way. Our ambition is to make you stand out from start to finish. Every day, every deal.

Why is Virtual Vaults right for me?

From the moment you start up your computer, we are there to facilitate you in every which way we can. So, by the time you call it a day, you know you have delivered; from deal preparation to dealmaking, you were in control.

Where is Virtual Vaults located?

Virtual Vaults HQ is located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Would you like to talk to someone from our team? Click here to speak to one of our dedicated colleagues.

When can I speak to someone at Virtual Vaults?

We don’t have a generic superficial ‘sales pitch’; we listen to your needs and together decide if continuing the conversation makes sense. If we are the right fit, we are just a phone call away. Available day or night, any questions big or small. Our 24/7 Customer Success team is always available for you in your own language.